Christopher Quinlan QC Produces Practical Guide to Undertaking Safeguarding Investigations.

Published: 07/06/2021 | News

With the support of Sport England, Christopher Quinlan QC and other leading legal and sector specialists, Sport Resolutions has developed a safeguarding Investigation Guide and templates to ensure fairness and protect integrity in sport.

Investigations sealed with a Sport Resolutions ‘SR’ mark, confirm the process was entirely fair, transparent and independent.

Templates have also been developed alongside the Guide, to be utilised at each stage of an investigation. All resources can be accessed here.

Sport Resolutions will be hosting a free online training session for welfare and safeguarding officers of NGBs and other sporting bodies on how to investigate safeguarding concerns in sport on Thursday 17th June 2021. The event will also introduce the new Investigation Guide and templates. For more information please click here